Retirement – TheNewsay Wed, 14 Feb 2024 01:41:43 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Retirement – TheNewsay 32 32 230920947 Shielding Seniors: Uncover 11 Sneaky Scams and Master the Art of Prevention Sun, 04 Feb 2024 10:52:00 +0000 11 Common Scams That Target Seniors: Protecting Seniors 2024 – Every year, some bad people try to take advantage of others and steal their personal information and money. They often target older people. A report by AARP in 2023 says that older people lose $28.3 billion every year because of these thieves. If you haven’t been approached by a scammer yet, you might face a scam in the future. Sometimes, even family members who take care of older people can be behind these attacks.

11 Common Scams That Target Seniors: Protecting Seniors

Here are the 11 Common Scams That Target Seniors, Now let’s break down how these scams work and what you can do to avoid becoming a victim.

1. AI-Powered Scams

Some bad people use advanced technology, like artificial intelligence, to write emails that pretend to be from someone else or a company. They study your online activities and create messages that sound real. They can even generate voices that sound real and ask you for personal information. Be careful because these messages may seem convincing.

2. Funeral Scams

If you put an announcement in the newspaper when a loved one passes away, a thief might contact you, saying your relative left a debt. Another trick is that the thief might attend the funeral to learn about you and later ask for money to cover a made-up debt. If someone from the funeral home calls and claims you owe extra charges, don’t send money right away. Ask for written proof.

Also Read: 11 Common Scams That Target Seniors

3. Tech Support Scams

Someone might call or email you, pretending to be from a tech company. They may say your computer has a virus and offer to fix it. Once they start, they can access your personal files. Be cautious about giving out information to unknown tech support.

4. Government Imposter Scams

People might call, pretending to be from the IRS or Social Security Administration, demanding immediate payment or personal information. They might even use a trick called spoofing to make their number look real. Remember, the real IRS and SSA won’t call you. If someone does, they’re likely trying to scam you.

Also Read: 11 Common Scams That Target Seniors

5. Grandparent Scams

Someone might call, pretending to be your grandchild, and ask for money, claiming to be in an emergency. Scammers often get information from obituaries and social media. Consider setting up a secret word with your grandchild for real emergencies.

6. Internet Scams

Be careful about sharing too much personal information online. Scammers can use it to trick you into giving them money or more information. If someone famous or unfamiliar contacts you on social media, asking for personal details or money, delete the message.

7. Investment Scams

If someone promises big returns on an investment, be cautious. Verify their credentials with a trusted financial advisor before making any decisions.

8. Check Fraud

Thieves might steal your checks, alter them, or take pictures to make fake ones. Protect your checks and report any suspicious activity to your bank.

Also Read: 11 Common Scams That Target Seniors

9. Reverse Mortgage Scams

If someone offers to help you access the equity in your home with a reverse mortgage, be skeptical. Consult a reputable mortgage lender or advisor before sharing any details or making payments.

10. Caregiver Scams

Be cautious about caregivers who may misuse your personal information or take money without your knowledge. Research and check the background of health aides or caregivers before letting them into your home.

11. Sweepstakes Scams

If someone contacts you about winning a lottery, be careful. Fake checks may look real but could get rejected by the bank, leaving you responsible for fees. Investigate carefully and don’t forward money to anyone.

Also Read: 11 Common Scams That Target Seniors

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